
Air combat maneuvers hud
Air combat maneuvers hud

There are five primary flight instruments.ġ6. Let's now take a look at the instrument panel. Doing so will keep you on the planned route and altitude.ġ5. Simply follow the director circle and keep it centered in the HUD. Director control modes of the Su-27 allow you to perform course corrections when flying between waypoints.

air combat maneuvers hud

The director circle on the HUD indicates what direction you must fly to stay on the route course line.

air combat maneuvers hud

The HUD mode is indicated in the lower left corner.ġ4. In the upper right corner of the HUD is the altitude indicator that shows current altitude in meters.ġ3. The caret indicates your current heading.ġ2. The scale is marked from 0 to 360 degrees. To the right of the airspeed indicator is the heading scale. In the upper left corner of the HUD is the airspeed indicator that shows the indicated airspeed (IAS) in km/h.ġ1. The number to the right of the artificial horizon line indicates the pitch angle.ġ0. The horizontal line across the center of the HUD represents the horizon.ĩ. When rolling the aircraft, the aircraft symbol will roll to indicate bank angle. The large tick marks indicate 15, 30, and 60 degrees. Below the artificial horizon line on the HUD, we see tick marks used to indicate angle of bank. This allows you to maintain orientation even in zero visibility conditions outside the cockpit.Ĩ. When rolling and pitching the aircraft, the aircraft symbol on the HUD indicates the roll and pitch angles. This information is repeated on the Attitude Direction Indicator (ADI), also known as the artificial horizon, on the front dash.ħ. The center of the HUD is used to display the position of the aircraft in space. In this lesson, we'll review the Heads Up Display (HUD), front instrument panel, and procedures for navigation and Instrumented Flight Rules (IFR) landings.Ħ. You can take over control or exit the lesson by pressing "ESC".Ĥ. The Su-27 can reach speeds of up to Mach 2.35 and has a maximum ceiling of 18,500 m.ģ.

air combat maneuvers hud

The aircraft is powered by two AL-31F turbofan afterburning engines, each producing up to 12,500 kg of thrust. The Su-27 is an all-weather day and night air superiority fighter. This aircraft is viewed as one of the most beautiful and dangerous fighters in the world.Ģ. Welcome to this introduction lesson to the Su-27 Flanker.

Air combat maneuvers hud